2022-05-13 17:59:27

How can you make camping with your buddies easy and stress-free?

The most exciting part of our lives is camping! Isn’t it?? We all can relate to this feeling. But when it comes to taking your furry buddies along on the camping, it seems to be a hassle or overwhelming.
You may not find it challenging if you are the one who loves to take your four-legged companions wherever you go. But for others who just got into pet parenting and prefer to live an adventure-filled life, it’s the hardest part ever!
To be honest, it’s not that hard. In fact, camping can be a lot of fun with pets. It strengthens your bond with them, introduces them to physically and mentally stimulating activities, and encourages them to explore the world outside. Just keep a few tips and tricks in mind to make your camping even more adventurous and fun-filled with them!
The premium pet shop in IndiaSicons The Pet Safari brings all the relevant insights into this much-discussed aspect.

Always have a solid plan

While camping can be a pleasant and fulfilling experience for you. It can be a bit scary or uncomfortable for your buddies. After all, they’ll face so many environments and situations that they haven’t witnessed before - car rides, animals, a bunch of people, and, of course, nature.
For a safe and comfortable trip, you must prepare their mind. Along with it, you must plan the checklist before you start your camping journey. Whether it’s about planning the travel route, getting the pet supplies on time, or any other aspect, no loopholes should be left.

Visit a vet

Before you embark on your adventure-filled camping, make sure you take an appointment with our veterinary doctor in Gurgaon. They will examine the current condition of your buds and make sure they are fit and fine to go ahead with you. At the same time, they’ll ensure that your buddies are vaccinated to prevent the risk of outside infections.

Pack plenty of pet toys

Outdoor activities are an excellent way to drive mental stimulation in your buds. How? They get the chance to roam and play outside. You can add to their excitement and curiosity with engaging pet toys. It makes sure that they never get bored while you have your best time. Toys such as rope chews, plushies, and tennis balls are the best choice for camping. Order them from our pet shop online.

Don’t miss the grooming appointment

After reading this point, you must be thinking, “why is there a need for grooming?” Grooming is of utmost necessity. Imagine your buddies’ overgrown nails or hairs stuck in bushes. Neither you nor your buddies will like it. That is why fixing a grooming schedule is a must before going ahead on a trip.
Visit our dog salon in Delhi/Gurgaon to get your buddies well-groomed and properly maintained.

Never leave your buddies unattended while camping

It feels surreal when you are at your best self in travel mode. Everyone will agree with this fact! Don’t forget your buddies in the middle of all this. They can be lost, feel undervalued, and even get anxious without seeing you around. It’s your responsibility to offer a positive experience and make them feel safe.
How to ensure this goal? Take help of dog leashes, collars, and harnesses. They help in taking your buddies for their first walk around the campground. You can order them from our online pet store.

Have a first-aid kit in handy

Please don’t make the mistake of forgetting the first-aid kit while camping. Uncertainties are always there. You can’t control the risk of potential threats in off-site activities and when traveling. Always carry first aid kit essentials such as:
·       The vet records of your buddies
·       An updated list of current medications or recent treatments
·       Non-stick bandages
·       Medical tape
·       Pet-safe sterile eyewash
·       A digital thermometer
Make sure the camping place has emergency vet services. It will help out in case your buddies have a hard time while camping with you.

Have memorable camping with your furry companions

The idea of going camping will turn even more exciting with your furry buddies by keeping these points into consideration. To get all the latest updates on the pet care world, stay tuned to the Sicons The Pet Safari. We will make your pet parenting journey easy, fun-filled, and convenient with our comprehensive range of pet care offerings. Visit our pet store in Delhi/ Gurgaon to get your pet care demands fulfilled.


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