2022-05-13 19:45:27

Tick bites can put the health of your furry buddies at risk. Here’s how you can protect them this summer season

Tick bites can put the health of your furry buddies at risk. Here’s how you can protect them this summer season
The summer season has finally arrived. Do you know your little companions look forward to it?? Yes, they really do! The endless playing sessions, fun outside & inside the pool, and other fun activities excite them the most. While preparing for all these activities, are you also taking care of tick and flea infections? You may not know about it - “summer is also a season for ticks and Lyme diseases.” Not just your buddies, you are also prone to tick infection if you don’t take preventive steps.
 We should be very careful during this season of tick and flea infections. It can cause irritation and induce skin allergies in your buddies, leaving them uncomfortable and sluggish. Not only this but these infections can be transmitted quite easily. It feeds for long periods of time and takes in large amounts of blood. You can imagine the consequences it’ll have on your buddies.
What’s the solution?
You will find safe and effective tick prevention products in online pet stores. It’s a good option. But, if it goes out of control, it’s a matter of concern. In such cases, professional veterinary help is necessary. Other than that, the first line of defense in avoiding tick-transmitted illness also matters. Here are some of the most adopted suggestions:
  • Keep your buddies away from grassy, brushy areas if possible.
  • Try to keep them in the center of trails as ticks can’t jump or fly.
  • Make them wear tick collars
  • Use a good insect repellent while taking your buddies outside
  • Inspect their body and clothes for ticks after spending time outside
  • Clean indoor carpets and solid surfaces with a vacuum
  • Vacuum furniture with appropriate attachments
  • Wash bed linens, pet bedding, and rugs used by your buddies
  • Clean the paws after the walks
  • Stack wood off the ground in a dry location away from the house
  • Try to clear gardens with perennial plants after the growing season
  • Call a licensed pest-control specialist to identify the need to use pesticides in outside areas in and around your home
  • Consult with our veterinary doctor in Gurgaon and Delhi for expert supervision
Don’t let these tick infections affect the excitement of your little companions. By simply taking care of these tips, you can prevent the risk of tick and flea infection in them.
How can you care for your buddies this summer season?
Summers are enjoyed best when you take the best care of your buddies! You have to give priority to other aspects that can minimize the chances of tick and flea infection.
Proper haircuts and grooming sessions
Like us, furry buddies also love to get messy and dirty while playing outside. It’s good if you are taking care of their grooming sessions. The risk of tick and flea infection is even more if they don’t get timely haircuts during the summer months.
It’s best to take professional help in case of any advice or know the frequency of the haircuts. You can get the best pet grooming in Gurgaon at Sicons The Pet Safari pet store. Give your buddies in the hands of our certified groomers who take care of them in the gentlest way possible.
Regular brushing
It doesn’t matter what’s the season, brushing the hair coat of your buddies is a must to keep them in tip-top shape and prevent the risk of knots, fleas, and ticks. Not just this, it also helps in:
  • Removing foreign objects such as twigs and leaves from their thick hair coats.
  • Removing matted hairs
  • Removing excess and dead undercoat allowing your buddies to stay cool during summers.
Paw care is also helpful
Keeping the paw hair short is extremely important for paw buddies. If you have active dogs who spend most of their time outdoors or hiking, doing paw care is a must. It helps them keep messy weeds, foxtails, and twigs at bay that get stuck in their hair.
How to get started? Clean the paws after every walk, you can also buy a paw cleaner for the same. Nail care is very important. Well-managed nails are at minimal risk of injury or breakage. You can reach our dog shop in Gurgaon to get it done properly! Also ensure paw hair are regularly cleaned and cut by a professional.
Once you’ll take these actions, you’ll see your furry buddies having their best time during summers.
Keep those ticks and fleas away!
Facing tick and flea infections can be a daunting experience for your little buddies, especially when they want to make the best time of summer. As a responsible pet parent, you have to take care of their needs and save them from all the negative externalities that can affect their overall health.
Ensure your home & play area is free from ticks & fleas to stop the multiplication. This is the most important step from stopping the infection coming back again & again.
For professional help, Sicons The Pet Safari is always there to help you out. Being one of the best pet shops in India, we’ll offer only the best for your little pieces of heart. Reach us to know more about our petcare offerings.
For this article, we got inspiration from Dr Pratiksha & Dr Prashant of Sicons The Pet Safari Clinic. Their knowledge, dedication & passion towards pet wellbeing is the driving force. On World Veterinary Day 30th April 2022, we thank our doctors for helping our pets live a happy & wonderful life and living the vision of Sicons – “Helping Pets Live Healthier Lives”


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