2022-04-11 15:23:58

Want the best health of your furry buddies? Ensure the essential vitamins and nutrients in their diet!

Being a concerning pet parent, you must want to ensure the best overall development and healthy growth of your buddies. Right? It’s high time that you incorporate the essential vitamins and nutrients in their diet. Your little companions need a lot more than just plain pet food! Without having proper nutrition, your buddies won’t be able to perform daily activities or stay energetic, active, and healthy.


Why does a nutrient-rich diet matter?


You just can’t take a chance when it comes to the nutritional and overall dietary requirements of your buddies. It decides how their life journey is going to be. In fact, their skin health depends on it. Yes, it’s true! Your buddies will never have healthy skin and a shiny coat if you don’t incorporate essential vitamins and minerals into their diet.


You’ll find numerous wet and dry food at online pet stores labeled as “nutrient-rich”. But, how do you ensure that it’s actually filled with required nutrients, vitamins, and nutrients? It’s the point where you need to check the ingredient list of the pet food product you are buying for your buddies.


How does the right proportion of vitamins and minerals in diet benefit your little companions?


All parents do their best for their tiny tots and try to fulfill all their needs like food, comfort, accessories etc. However there are always areas where more knowledge is needed, especially if that’s not our area of expertise. Nutrition sometimes is a similar area where people want to learn more to ensure perfect upbringing for their loveable companions.


Pet parents need to fulfill the required dietary needs of their buddies. Do you know what are the top benefits of incorporating essential nutrients and minerals? Let’s understand:


  1. Better skin and coat health
  2. Improved muscle tone and overall body condition
  3. Prevention of deadly diseases
  4. Boosts immune system
  5. Promotes proper digestion
  6. Mental well being 


After knowing these benefits, you must want to include these healthy food ingredients. Right?? But first, you should have detailed knowledge about the same. Let’s get started!


How to choose appropriate vitamins and minerals in your buds’ diet?


Whether you buy pet food or make it on your own, make sure you choose the right mix of ingredients. You can consult the veterinary doctor at Sicons Clinic for the best health advice or while shopping at Sicons The Pet Safari pet shop in India, look for “complete and balanced nutrition” on the label.


While aiming for nutrient-rich ingredients, don’t prioritize focusing on optimal nutrition derived through natural food. Include pet food supplements when necessary. In case you feel confused about the good selection of pet food products, you can connect with our veterinary doctor in Gurgaon. They are always there to help you out!


Here are some of the essential nutrients that you must take care of while choosing pet food:


  1. Vitamin A


By boosting the immune system's functioning and promoting healthy vision, it adds to the overall healthy development of your buddies. Include this vitamin in moderation. Its excess intake can lead to a buildup of toxic levels.


  1. Vitamin D


Vitamin D is essential for maintaining optimum levels of phosphorus and calcium in the body of your buddies. It also promotes calcium retention that helps in bone development, muscle functioning, and nerve control.


  1. Vitamin B12


It has anti-inflammatory properties that help buddies to overcome chronic inflammation that includes:


  • Calcium: It boots the development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones. It also promotes the nervous system and blood coagulation.
  • Iron: It’s responsible for maintaining red blood cell health and supplies oxygenated blood throughout the body of your buddies.
  • Iodine: It promotes optimal functioning of your pet’s thyroid gland and hormones, regulates the metabolism rate, and helps in normal growth.
  • Zinc: It helps in maintaining healthy skin and hair, wound healing, and boosts the immune system of your buds.


  1. Proteins


It develops the healthy tissues and building blocks of your tiny tots.


  1. Fats


It gives the required energy and dose of energy. If you are aiming to achieve healthy skin and hair for your buddies, incorporate these good fats in their diet:



  1. Water


Last but definitely not the least - water intake. Even if your buddies lose all their body fat and a significant percentage of protein, they will manage to survive. But losing even a small quantity of water from the body can be risky. Appropriate water intake is that important! Make sure your buddies have fresh and clean water at a fixed interval.

It is utmost important that all pets have access to a bowl of fresh drinking water whenever they are eating anything.



After paying attention to these food ingredients, you can ensure the best health of your little bundles of joy. For detailed insights and answers to a specific query, connect with Sicons The Pet Safari, the premium pet shop in India.


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